A Marr + Associates - Cycle Hire Success

Who are A Marr + Associates?

A Marr + Associates Ltd  are an award-winning marketing and media relations agency, specialising in PR services for travel, culture and lifestyle brands and are located in Tower Hamlets.


Why did A Marr + Associates get involved with the Zero Emissions Network?

Tower Hamlets Council is keen to increase the use of the Santander Cycle Hire scheme and with the help of the Zero Emissions Network offered free annual memberships to businesses in the borough to the value of £90. The Cycle Hire scheme is a great way for businesses to encourage staff to cycle for short, work-related trips during the day and is also helpful for workplaces where there is insufficient space for cycle parking. A Marr + Associates requested free cycle hire memberships for staff at their offices. 


How did it benefit the business?

The free membership gave users unlimited bike access for a year, with the first 30 minutes of each journey free. Two staff members were awarded free memberships and in the first six months 93 journeys were carried out. 


'The cycle hire membership scheme has been really beneficial for A Marr + Associates Ltd, Marketing + Media Relations. Due to our office location being a twenty minute walk from each station, the team have been able to manage their time better and are less reliant on taxis. Each week we save around an hour of our time thanks to a speeded up commute on the bikes.  The cycle hire membership scheme has also proved useful for team members attending meetings in London. We no longer rely so much on the tube and other forms of transport such as taxis thanks to this the ease of accessing bikes in London. On average the bikes are used around four times a week by our agency team and on weekends team members use them regularly. Members of our team who have never cycled before have started to get into cycling in London thanks to the accessibility and ease of use from bikes.'  Frank Marr, co-founder of A Marr + Associates Ltd and chairman of PRCA Travel & Tourism


Interested in making your staff travel plan more sustainable? Get in touch with the form below.

Learn to cycle with a free one-to-one session tailored to you.

Book a free bike repair session for your workplace or neighbourhood.


Learn to repair your bike with our 4-hour practical course.


You can now make sustainable deliveries with a free cargo-bike trial.


If your commute seems too far to cycle, try an electric bike!


Apply for a grant of up to £2,500 for a cargo bike for your workplace.

Get a grant of up to £250 to install cost and energy saving measures in your workplace.