Cargo Bike Package

a digital drawing of a cargo bike with the words 'cargo bike package' underneath

ZEN helps businesses in the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Westminster unlock the benefits of cargo bikes, supporting them to save money by making their deliveries faster, more efficient and greener. ZEN want to help more businesses benefit from this sustainable way of travelling and delivering so have created a package of free measures to help you discover if a cargo bike is right for your business. In central London, cargo bikes are 1.6 times faster than a van!  



  • Workplace grant - apply for a grant for up to £2,500.
  • Cargo bike training - learn to ride a cargo bike.
  • Cargo bike trial - find the perfect cargo bike for you and see how it fits into your day to day operations. 
  • Cargo bike maintenance service - learn how to do repairs on your cargo bike with a trained mechanic.

These offers are also available separately. Email or use the contact form below to get in touch.