Client Earth received a ZEN Sustainable Travel Grant in 2019. The grant was used to purchase two pool bikes, cycle parking and cycle accessories to encourage their 120 staff members to cycle to work and to meetings throughout the day. As part of the grant Client Earth agreed to improve on their cycling facilities and initiatives. Tool kits were purchased and a Cycling Buddy system was introduced to allow new cyclists to travel with more experienced colleagues to build up their confidence.
In 2020 a follow up staff travel survey was carried out and a bespoke travel action plan was created. This highlighted that after receiving the ZEN grant, Client Earth saw a significant increase in walking and cycling amongst it’s staff. A corresponding reduction in train, underground and bus usage was also shown. A 10% increase in staff cycling two or more days a week was achieved.
A further demonstration of the impact of pool bikes on sustainable travel rates in the workplace was that more than half of survey respondents (62%) stated that they would use a pool bike compared to 38% prior to receiving the grant. There was also an encouraging increase in the number of people who would use any type of bike.
The travel action plan results indicated that Client Earth were eligible to apply for another ZEN Sustainable Travel Grant to further increase their sustainable travel. Client Earth applied for funding for an two additional pool bikes in 2020 so that their staff could safely carry out essential travel during the pandemic. This application was successful and will enable this workplace to further increase cycling amongst their staff.
Karolina from Client Earth said "Thanks to purchasing pool bikes with grants from ZEN, we created an opportunity for staff that had never cycled and didn’t own a bike to give it a go. The new cyclists feel encouraged to try riding a bike and can get advice on routes, road safety, and bike maintenance from more experienced colleagues. One of our staff that had not used a bike in 15 years is now cycling nearly every day."